Happy End of Mini

Happy End of Mini

Mini lives now in Germany since few months and therefore it is time to report we think:


Just before Christmas we picked up our little Mini from her foster family where she was allowed to settle in less than a month long in Germany.

Mini had only a short time to get used alone to us as a new family, including Oscar, our almost two year old son, and Gigi, our cat, and then she had already celebrate Christmas in the circle of extended family with another cat and a golden retriever. And then it was time for Sylvester. She found it more exciting than scary: she sat on the windows to enjoy the fireworks.

Now we have normality, normality means: she loves her walks and loves to play with other dog and the son.

She likes also horses, where she is now every week. which we pass few times a week, they got used very quickly. And what every dog love: cuddles and treats. That are her favorites.

Oh yes, I’ve forgotten to mention that mini has only three legs – no matter! Mini do not know!



Happy End Mini 2