Arrival 27th October 2016 in Hamburg

arrival-27-10-16Thursday, 27th October 2016, was a big day for 6 of our dogs. 

The journey began with the transport to the airport in Cyprus and ended with the delivery in Hamburg to the new people. In case of Helen, Faye, Eos, Klaas, Ziggy and Brex are the people their foster homes in Germany.

We are very grateful, that 6 of our dogs get the chance to start a new family. We are especially happy for Helen, because Helen is tested positive for leishmaniasis. She shows no sign of illness, but it is very difficult to rehome dogs with leishmaniasis. Helen´s foster home is known with this disease, they rehomed already leishmaniasis positive dogs in the past. Helen is such a cute and friendly girl. She loves people and their attention. She deserves a forever home very much.


We say a big thank you to all foster homes, which give our treasures the chance for a better life!




Here are the arrival impressions from Hamburg: