Sunday dawned bright and sunny as usual here, but by lunchtime the storm clouds were gathering and the thunder was rumbling – oh dear!
Would we get rained out? Well, they say the sun shines on the righteous and it truly did for all the kind and caring animal lovers who joined the party.
There were all the usual suspects and some unexpected ones too – Lesley was surprised, a couple of days before the event, to find an ex work colleague and husband on her doorstep! They were visiting Cyprus, so of course Lesley invited them along.
Everyone enjoyed themselves, as I think you can tell from the photos. We had great music from Shades of Gray and the lovely Angela Allery, all of whom so generously gave their performances for free.
The raffle was extremely successful and the writer was delighted to win a beautiful, hand made, dog decorated cushion!
The food was exceptional. Chicken curry, beef chilli, vegetarian dishes, rice, potato wedges and garlic bread. All made completely healthy by the dessert of fruit salad and cream.
The organisers worked hard to provide a fabulous social event on a gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon. The guests also did both charities proud, raising €840 in total and CyDRA are so grateful for kind the donation of €420.
Thank you to every single person who was involved in any way. It truly was a lovely afternoon.