Frank is safely arrived in his foster home in 21217 Seevetal. Frankie has settled in very well into his new dog group. He is oriented to the dogs and that makes it easier for him to have access to humans. It seems that Frankie has had very bad experiences with people. He has made a little progress in a short time and gradually regains his trust. With love, time and patience, Frankie will learn that he has nothing to fear.
Frankie still needs to learn a lot. He is a small clown with funny ideas in his head. He is a joyfull and energetic boy. He is more a dog for the sporty family.
Frankie is house-trained, shows no hunting motivation and with a bit of training he is a good dog for walks soon. The foster home is working on it. Frankie can be adopted by beginners, children should be older and the visit of a dog school is recommended. A home with a already existent dog would be great for Frankie, but not a must.
You are interested in meeting him? Please contact the team of Zypernpfoten in Not for requests.