Two who have made it – Paddy and Oliver are in happiness

Two who have made it – Paddy and Oliver are in happiness

Paddy was found before the gates of the PAWS shelter. He was simply tied there, with a garbage and a piece of bread. He was hurt, so he was immediately taken to the vet.

He limped, had a bump on his head and his eye was injured. A X-ray image shows that somebody had shot him in the body. He had several pellets in the body and also behind his eye. Also his front leg was broken by a bullet.

Oliver was rescued from a municipality pound. His brother died there. Oliver was lucky that one of our foster homes could take him home. He had recovered there very well from the strains.

Both were allowed to make the trip in their happiness to Germany in 2012.

Oliver has been renamed and is now called Krümel.

The two were adopted by two generations. Both are very happy together. The two play, romp and share the dog baskets and cuddle places.

All family members are very happy with Paddy and Krümel

We wish all of them a lot of fun together.