Our trainer team needs toys for the rescued puppies in the shelters.
Especially Kong’s are robust, hygienic as can be easily washed/disinfected and reused in different kennels.
In the shelter are so many puppies but not very many toys and not many toys that can be used with puppies and likewise with older dogs that are safe to leave in kennels.
They can´t leave toys in the kennels with many of the dogs as there are not enough to do this safely. You need to have a high number of kong toys to leave in any one kennel to avoid any guarding/squabbling over toys.
Puppies should not to live in a shelter. But we want to make them as comfortable as possible.
If you want to donate a Kong or more, then please contact us via email: Info.Cydra@gmail.com
Thank you very much,
your CyDRA – Team